The Green Fairy
August 10, 2022

Back in May I shared a small green fairy doll. This is the larger doll that was made along side that one. It feels like this one took a long time to complete and I had to remake her wings and dress but in the end I think she turned out nicely.
- Who goes amid the green wood —
Who goes amid the green wood
With springtide all adorning her?
Who goes amid the merry green wood
To make it merrier?
Who passes in the sunlight
By ways that know the light footfall?
Who passes in the sweet sunlight
With mien so virginal?
The ways of all the woodland
Gleam with a soft and golden fire -- -
For whom does all the sunny woodland
Carry so brave attire?
O, it is for my true love
The woods their rich apparel wear -- -
O, it is for my own true love,
That is so young and fair.
- —James Joyce, 1907