The Barn Owl
April 12, 2023

Hello again! It's been awhile but I'm still here and I've finished another doll. This one is fashioned after a barn owl. Her cloak is hand painted, beaded and embroidered, to give the impression of an owls wings. Her mask is a more literal representation of an owls face. It probably took longer than it should have to finish her mask and shoes, lots of fiddling about and reworking things, but in the end I like them.
- Vision —
I shall build me a house where the larkspur blooms
In a narrow glade in an alder wood,
Where the sunset shadows make violet glooms,
And a whip-poor-will calls in eerie mood.
I shall lie on a bed of river sedge,
And listen to the glassy dark,
With a guttered light on my window ledge,
While an owl stares in at me white and stark.
I shall burn my house with the rising dawn,
And leave but the ashes and smoke behind,
And again give the glade to the owl and the fawn,
When the grey wood smoke drifts away with the wind.
- —Robert Penn Warren